LIWO automated testing:
Automated testing for the medical + pharmaceutical sector

Medical technology + Pharma

The following requirements generally apply to pharmaceutical packagings:     

  • Keep product sterile => Avoid penetration of bacteria
  • Protect product from oxidation => Avoid penetration of oxygen
  • Protect the environment and man from product => Avoid leakage of active ingredients

Another major challenge for testing technology in the pharmaceutical industry is the high cycle or production rates. LIWO offers complete leak/flow/function test modules for production rates up to 220 parts per minute.

Helium Leak Tester

The helium leakage test is suitable for small leaks. For testing, the packaging must be filled with helium. It must be ensured that helium is still present in the pharmaceutical pack at the time of measurement. This is very complex and partly not permissible.

Reference project: 



Leak test with pressure differential pressure decrease

Reference project: 


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