NitrogenDensityDetection (NID) - Advance through innovation

In cooperation with the sensor manufacturer Gemtec the UNIDIM NID has been developed.

The NID leak test system uses a low-pressure gas discharge method to determine the nitrogen concentration in a test chamber. If nitrogen molecules escape from a test specimen filled with ordinary air or nitrogen, they can be detected on the basis of the changing nitrogen concentration and displayed in a leakage rate.

At the same time, the concentration of water vapour is also determined. This means that leaks in components filled with water or aqueous solutions can also be detected.

Applications of the NID method

The NID test method allows the detection of leaks up to 10-5 mbar*l/s (less than 1µm).

Since the temperature of the test specimen and the environment has no influence on the measurement process, the NID method delivers reliable results even when the temperature changes.

Elastic parts can also be reliably tested for leaks using the NID method, as changes in volume are not critical. This means that components of different sizes can also be tested without conversion.


Innovation Award Rems-Murr 2014

honored with the Innovation Award.


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