The following environmental aspects were analyzed in detail:



Direct environmental aspects: 

  • Environmental impact of inventory
  • Environmental impact through use of materials
  • Environmental impact through energy use
  • Environmental impact through use of water and sewage
  • Environmental impact by creation of waste
  • Environmental impact by creation of noise
  • Environmental impact in the areas of safety and risk.


Indirect environmental aspects:

  • Environmental impact by environmental education
  • Environmental impact of traffic
  • Environmental impact by service providers and suppliers.



ISO 14001:2015

For more Sustainability: LIWO Testing Automation

Sustainable development means to consider environmental points equally with social and economical points of view. Future capable economy then means: We must leave our children and grandchildren an intact, ecological, social and economical structure. One thing is not to be had without the other.

LIWO activities impact the environment in many areas. The environmental effects resulting from daily operations, such as the use of energy or creation of waste, can be acquired and with the assistance of an environmental management system, can be controlled and guided. They are subject to direct control and are therefore the consequence of direct environmental aspects.

As a an indirect consequence there are also important indirect environmental effects:

In our environmental policy we have set the goal to deepen environmental knowledge, drive environmental awareness and to achieve respectful environmental behavior in our private and professional lives.

These aspects are however, a long-term awareness process and can only be acquired and controlled within limits . Having said this, environmental education represents an environmental aspect with positive but indirect environmental effects, which has however a direct aspect on everything.

Further environmental aspects and influences such as e.g. those created in collaboration with purchasing, are subject to most technical or customer specifications and are therefore also categorized as indirect.

LIWO company environmental guidelines:

  • Lippok & Wolf is obligated to comply with existing environmental laws and regulations and the requirements for authorization. Even without legal pressure the environmental aspects have been considered. This has been specifically ensured by collaborating with authorities.
  • They see it as their task to implement the best available technology evaluated to ecological and economical criteria in planning production procedures, products and activities.
  • LIWO obliges itself to create and maintain your environmental management system in a documented form.
  • When selecting suppliers, environmental protection criteria play a significant role. The same measures for environmental management are valid for contract partners as well as on LIWO company land.
  • Lippok & Wolf admit to advance their employees in ecological awareness with appropriate training arrangements and by periodically eco-audits according to DIN EN ISO 14001.
  • LIWO commits to autarchically and periodically control equipments, products and emissions.
  • The reduction of waste elimination and the increase in proportion of recyclable waste together with raw materials and energy management and noise reduction set a high standard.
  • The company inspects its environmental management system at regular intervals by internal audits which are documented and introduces corrective measures if needed.
  • The in-house environmental management system is targeted for continuous improvement of operational environmental protection.

The following environmental aspects were analyzed in detail:



Direct environmental aspects: 

  • Environmental impact of inventory
  • Environmental impact through use of materials
  • Environmental impact through energy use
  • Environmental impact through use of water and sewage
  • Environmental impact by creation of waste
  • Environmental impact by creation of noise
  • Environmental impact in the areas of safety and risk.


Indirect environmental aspects:

  • Environmental impact by environmental education
  • Environmental impact of traffic
  • Environmental impact by service providers and suppliers.



ISO 14001:2015


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